
The /movies endpoints are useful when you are prototyping a UI that has interface for movies or TV shows. We have almost 10,000 movies in our database.

Here's an example of how can you fetch data using axios:

    method: 'get',
        url: '',
        responseType: 'application/json'
    }).then(function (response) {
        // Fetch endpoint response.

Mock Movies (Real-world movies)

The paginated result will return page links, and other data for proper pagination.


Simple Pagination

The simple pagination endpoint will only display the "Next" and "Previous" links.


Infinite Scrolling Pagination

If your front-end implements "infinite scrolling" user interfaces such as a mobile app, you may use this endpoint:


Single Random Movie

If you only need a single item, you may use this endpoint:


Custom Number of Output

Get a specific number of movies.


A random endpoint will fetch a single random item from the database object.

The data within the API is NOT factual, and names or images may be out of context. This JSON information is intended solely for front-end mockups/prototypes and shouldn't be implemented in production environments.

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